Malaysia Warehousing services

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Free Malaysian sea freight warehousing services

Free Malaysian sea freight / Malaysia Warehousing Services

When you choose TNS as your ocean freight forwarding service provider, we will provide you with free ocean freight warehousing services. Malaysia Warehousing Services include the transfer of goods, batch shipping of goods, and re installation of goods. Our ocean freight warehousing service customers customize and allocate according to your ocean freight needs and cargo characteristics.

Sea Freight Goods Consolidation Service/Malaysia Warehousing Services

Sometimes you need to merge multiple batches of goods into the same batch for shipment. This means that you will need to pay more bulk rates. TNS Malaysia Warehousing Services provides you with free cargo consolidation services, allowing your multiple batches of goods to be consolidated together and then transported by sea.

Sea Freight Goods Consolidation Service

Goods repackaging service/Malaysia Warehousing Services

Some sea transit transportation requires the replacement of outer packaging or combination packaging of goods from different batches. TNS Malaysia Warehousing Services include the aforementioned services. We can replace the outer packaging or replace the information on the outer label for your goods according to your needs.

Container-Loading Supervision Service/Malaysia Warehousing Services

As a professional ocean freight forwarding service provider, TNS not only provides free Malaysia freight warehousing services, but also offers free container loading supervision services when your goods need to be shipped. Ensure that your goods are safely and undamaged in the best condition inside the container.

Container-Loading Supervision Service

TNS: A trusted Malaysian warehousing, logistics, and shipping agent service provider

As a leading logistics company in Malaysia, TNS provides you with ocean freight forwarding and warehousing services, making your import and export business smoother. TNS’s Malaysia Warehousing Services provide warehousing, sorting, cargo sorting, packaging, marking replacement and other projects. Whether you are a manufacturer, importer, exporter, or wholesaler, we will provide customized ocean freight warehousing services for you.

As a professional maritime logistics service provider in Malaysia, TNS has been engaged in this industry for decades. Our warehousing bases are located throughout Malaysia and can provide you with warehousing services for goods including clothing, electric tools, appliances, fresh food, electronic products, grains, minerals, and more. We have a sound security system to ensure that your goods will not be lost or damaged during storage.

warehousing for sea freight

Choosing TNS’s warehousing and logistics services can make your cross-border logistics projects more convenient and secure. Our sea, air, and land transportation services can perfectly connect warehousing services. Once your goods require corresponding cross-border transportation services, we can ship them for you as soon as possible.

What is a maritime logistics warehousing management system

The maritime logistics warehousing management system is a software used to manage maritime warehousing goods. It can effectively help maritime service agents optimize warehouse management processes, manage and control daily warehouse operations. With the maritime logistics warehousing management system, TNS greatly improves warehousing efficiency and reduces enterprise operating costs. Our high-level warehousing management level has been recognized by a large number of customers.

After your goods enter TNS’s ocean freight warehouse, our employees will use a handheld smart scanner to scan the markings on the outer boxes of the goods, and this information will be transmitted in real-time to our warehouse management system. Our management personnel will have a clear understanding of the specific location, quantity, and current storage time of your sea freight in the warehouse, and arrange a reasonable sea freight schedule for you.

maritime logistics warehousing management system

After using the sea freight logistics warehouse management system, TNS has effectively tracked data on the receiving, acceptance, warehousing, outbound, loading and unloading processes of goods. We can provide precise picking and distribution services based on ocean export documents, and provide the optimal picking route solution, greatly improving the accuracy and efficiency of picking and distribution.

How are storage fees charged for warehouse items?

Not all sea freight warehousing services require a fee. TNS has been providing ocean freight forwarding services in Malaysia for many years, providing free ocean freight warehousing services to many customers. But some customers may charge a certain amount of storage fees. Usually, we charge customers storage service fees in three ways: based on the volume of goods, based on the number of pallets, and based on SKU charges.

1. Collect storage fees based on the volume of goods

Calculating storage costs based on the volume of goods stored is the most common method. We usually charge storage fees based on the length, width, and height of the goods. If we encounter a non integer storage volume, we usually use rounding to calculate the final storage volume, in order to save shipping storage costs as much as possible for our customers.

2. Collect storage fees based on the number of pallets

The pallet fees charged by different ocean freight warehousing service providers may vary greatly, usually ranging from $15 to $20 per pallet per month. In order to save costs for shipping customers as much as possible, TNS reduces the monthly cost of our pallets by 10% to 15% compared to our peers.

Collect storage fees based on the number of pallets

The average size of the tray is 64 cubic feet, and if using industrial sized trays, the size is 56 cubic feet. There are differences in the usage regulations for pallets among different shipping and warehousing companies. Some companies require that an SKU must be placed on a pallet, and even if there is still a lot of remaining space on the pallet, it is not allowed to stack other goods. This will lead to increased warehousing costs for customers.

3. Collect ocean freight storage fees based on SKU

The pricing method of SKU combines the advantages and disadvantages of cargo volume and pallet fees, making the price relatively balanced. It is unlikely that there will be high or extremely low ocean freight warehousing costs, which is relatively fair for both ocean freight warehousing service providers and shipping customers.

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